The Team
Orugga is the union of mobile and financial tech teams that have been working in various transactional solutions since 2005.
In 2007 they decided to work together and formalize the relationship through a company that they´ve called Orugga.
Orugga, chiefly engaged in creating mobile transactional solutions involving micro and macro payment solutions. With proven expertise on developing high end mobile entertainment, ticketing and rich media content solutions, was involved on creating value added product & services for network operators. Orugga team has extensive expertise in the mobile and financial market developing diferent solutions for leading brands.
In November 2008 Orugga received a capitalization from a venture capital firm to develop the company througout Central & Latin America.

El Foro Nokia anunció hoy, durante el Mobile World Congress, los ganadores del concurso global “Calling All Innovators”, un concurso mundial del Foro Nokia.
La lista de ganadores a continuación:
Sección Echo Challenge
Aplicaciones que intenten reducir al mínimo el impacto ambiental y que promuevan la reducción del consumo de energía y polución:
2do Puesto: Ticketek Mobile Ticketing (de Argentina). Aplicación de éxito para la compra y venta de entradas, que por código de barras en los terminales de los usuarios ahorra papel y agiliza el despacho e ingresos a espectáculos.